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YOLOv8-seg Object Segmentation

  • Enter the Radxa Model-Zoo YOLOv8_seg directory

    cd Radxa-Model-Zoo/sample/YOLOv8_seg
  • Download the model, choose from F32/F16/INT8 quantized models

    # F32

    # F16

    # INT8
  • Download test images to the data folder

    mkdir images && cd images
  • Create a virtual environment

    It's necessary to create a virtual environment, otherwise it may affect the normal operation of other applications, please refer to here for virtual environment usage

    python3 -m virtualenv .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate
  • Install python dependencies

    pip3 install --upgrade pip
    pip3 install numpy pycocotools
    pip3 install
  • Run python examples

    Under the python directory, there are a series of Python routines, as follows:

    No.Python RoutineDescription
    1yolov8_opencv.pyDecode with OpenCV, preprocess with OpenCV, and infer with SAIL
    2yolov8_bmcv.pyDecode with SAIL, preprocess with BMCV, and infer with SAIL
    • Run

      export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/sophon/libsophon-current/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
      export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/opt/sophon/sophon-opencv-latest/opencv-python/
      python3 python/ --input ./images --bmodel ./yolov8s_int8_1b.bmodel

      Parameter explanation [--input IMG_PATH] [--bmodel BMODEL]

      --input: Inference image path, you can input the entire image folder path or video path

      --bmodel: Path of the bmodel used for inference

      (.venv) linaro@bm1684:/data/ssd/docs_check/Radxa-Model-Zoo/sample/YOLOv8_seg$ python3 python/ --input ./images --bmodel ./yolov8s_int8_1b.bmodel
      [BMRT][bmcpu_setup:406] INFO:cpu_lib '' is loaded.
      bmcpu init: skip cpu_user_defined
      open, init user_cpu_init
      [BMRT][load_bmodel:1084] INFO:Loading bmodel from [./yolov8s_int8_1b.bmodel]. Thanks for your patience...
      [BMRT][load_bmodel:1023] INFO:pre net num: 0, load net num: 1
      INFO:root:load ./yolov8s_int8_1b.bmodel success!
      INFO:root:1, img_file: ./images/dog_bike_car.jpg
      sampleFactor=6, cinfo->num_components=3 (1x2, 1x1, 1x1)
      Open /dev/jpu successfully, device index = 0, jpu fd = 23, vpp fd = 24
      INFO:root:result saved in ./results/yolov8s_int8_1b.bmodel_images_opencv_python_result.json
      INFO:root:------------------ Predict Time Info ----------------------
      INFO:root:decode_time(ms): 16.52
      INFO:root:preprocess_time(ms): 30.85
      INFO:root:inference_time(ms): 16.11
      INFO:root:postprocess_time(ms): 71.09
      all done.

      The results will be saved in ./results/yolov8s_int8_1b.bmodel_images_opencv_python_result.json

      Image results are saved in ./result/images


    • Run

      export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/sophon/libsophon-current/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
      export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/opt/sophon/sophon-opencv-latest/opencv-python/
      python3 python/ --input ./images --bmodel ./yolov8s_int8_1b.bmodel

      Parameter explanation [--input IMG_PATH] [--bmodel BMODEL]

      --input: Inference image path, you can input the entire image folder path or video path

      --bmodel: Path of the bmodel used for inference

      (.venv) linaro@bm1684:/data/ssd/docs_check/Radxa-Model-Zoo/sample/YOLOv8_seg$ python3 python/  --input ./images --bmodel ./yolov8s_int8_1b.bmodel
      [BMRT][bmcpu_setup:406] INFO:cpu_lib '' is loaded.
      bmcpu init: skip cpu_user_defined
      open, init user_cpu_init
      [BMRT][load_bmodel:1084] INFO:Loading bmodel from [./yolov8s_int8_1b.bmodel]. Thanks for your patience...
      [BMRT][load_bmodel:1023] INFO:pre net num: 0, load net num: 1
      INFO:root:1, img_file: ./images/dog_bike_car.jpg
      sampleFactor=6, cinfo->num_components=3 (1x2, 1x1, 1x1)
      Open /dev/jpu successfully, device index = 0, jpu fd = 42, vpp fd = 43
      INFO:root:result saved in ./results/yolov8s_int8_1b.bmodel_images_bmcv_python_result.json
      INFO:root:------------------ Predict Time

      Info ----------------------
      INFO:root:decode_time(ms): 15.48
      INFO:root:preprocess_time(ms): 2.65
      INFO:root:inference_time(ms): 13.13
      INFO:root:postprocess_time(ms): 66.66
      all done.

      The results will be saved in ./results/yolov8s_int8_1b.bmodel_images_bmcv_python_result.json

      Image results are saved in ./result/images



For more information on model conversion, model quantization details, and model accuracy testing, please refer to:

Model Conversion and Radxa Model-Zoo YOLOv8-seg