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Images Download

The Radxa team developed RadxaOS as the official operating system based on Debian.

If you want to try other images, please check Third-party images.


Note: Many third-party images have not been officially tested and may have some problems.


Tip: We will publish relevant information about each version release in Raxa Forum.

Official Images


Official image

The following systems have been officially tested and verified by Radxa:

ROCK 3A: Build 25

For more images, please check: ROCK 3A radxa-build

release notes

Other alternative systems


ROCK 3A is currently using Android 11, you can download the image from the following link:

ROCK 3A Android 11

Additional information:

Radxa Android Manifests

ROCK 3A Android 11 Installation Guide

Third-party Images

SystemDownloadVersion Information
ArmbianArmbianBuild 2021-11-23.
User_name : pi , passward : armbian
Discord Discussion Group
CruxCRUX-ARMBuild 2022-10-29.
Forum Discussion Group
ManjaroManjaro Software ReleaseManjaro Product Installation Guide
Discord Discussion Group
Ubuntu 22.04ROCK 3A: ubuntu22.04_rk3568_rock3a_kernel5.10.66-20220523_beta3.zipContributor: QXhome
OpenWrtROCK 3A: openwrt-rockchip-armv8-radxa_rock-3a-squashfs-sysupgrade.img.gzContributor: Marty Jones