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Memory Allocation Modification Tool

The memory_edit tool is used to modify the system memory and TPU memory of the SG2300X system, allowing developers to adjust the memory distribution of the entire machine as needed.

Install Memory Edit Tool (Pre-installed on the system)

sudo apt install ./memory_edit_V1.6.1.deb


Check the current TPU memory allocation status: -p bm1684x_sm7m_v1.0.dtb # Check the current TPU memory allocation status

Modify TPU memory: -c -npu 7360 -vpu 2360 -vpp 4096 bm1684x_sm7m_v1.0.dtb
sudo cp /opt/sophon/memory_edit/emmcboot.itb /boot/emmcboot.itb && sync
sudo reboot

Parameter Explanation

  • -p [dts name]: Check the current device's TPU memory distribution status.

  • -c [dts name]: Modify TPU memory.

    • -npu: Modify NPU memory.

    • -vpp: Modify VPP memory.

    • -vpu: Modify VPU memory.


/opt/sophon/memory_edit/ -p [dts name] # Print the current TPU memory allocation status
/opt/sophon/memory_edit/ -c -npu 2048 -vpu 2048 -vpp 2048 [dts name] # Allocate memory for each hardware accelerator, unit in M

Common Issues

How to determine the current device dts name?

Use the serial port tool minicom to monitor the boot log. Download the tool according to the official documentation.

sudo minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB0

Look for dtb (in this case, bm1684x_sm7m_v1.0.dtb) at the beginning of the boot log:

found dtb@139: bitmain-bm1684x-sm7m-v1.0
Selecting config 'bitmain-bm1684x-sm7m-v1.0'