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This article is not about RKDevTool (for Windows).

rkdeveloptool is a USB flashing software developed by Rockchip for Linux/macOS platforms.

rkdeveloptool can be thought of as upgrade_tool for open source version.

Installation for rkdeveloptool

If your operating system does not provide rkdeveloptool, you will need to compile and install it from source.

The rkdeveloptool can be installed from AUR.

Usage for rkdeveloptool

View connected Maskrom devices

rkdeveloptool ld

Write file


rkdeveloptool does not automatically decompress compressed files when writing to them.

First extract the used files and specify the extracted files in rkdeveloptool.


rkdeveloptool does not support the selection of Maskrom devices, nor can it select the storage media to be written to. Normally when using rkdeveloptool, only a device and a storage medium are connected in hardware. This step cannot be controlled by software.

If you need to write to multiple devices at the same time, use upgrade_tool.

sudo rkdeveloptool db <loader>
sudo rkdeveloptool wl 0 <image>

Download links for the required Loader and Image files can be found below.

SPI U-Boot and Loader


The SPI/U-boot/loader file is related to the SoC model, you can find it in the following list according to the corresponding SoC model of the product.

Reboot device

sudo rkdeveloptool rd