
启动 Debian 官方 ISO

O6 BIOS 支持启动 Debian 官方 ARM64 ISO。下面说明如何在 O6 上启动 Debian 官方 ISO 镜像。

获取 Debian 官方 ARM64 ISO

参考 Debian 官方文档:Debian ARM64 ISO

制作 U盘启动盘

使用 balenaEtcher,将下载好的 ISO 文件,如 debian-12.9.0-arm64-netinst.iso,写入到 U盘中。 这样就把 U盘启动盘做好了。



  • 把 PCIe NVME SSD 装配到 O6 M.2 M-Key
  • 把 U盘启动盘插到 O6 Type-A 3.2 口
  • O6 接好 USB 键盘和鼠标,和 HDMI 显示器
  • 将 O6 Type-A 口接 Type-A USB 转以太网适配器(安装 ISO 过程需要有网络)
  • O6 上电,在启动过程中,看到 Radxa Logo 和进度条时,短按下键盘 “Esc” 键进入 BIOS 界面

配置 O6 BIOS 为 ACPI 启动

O6 BIOS 默认为 Device Tree 启动方式。需要切换为 ACPI 启动。

在 BIOS 界面,通过键盘选择:

Device Manager
--> O/S Hardware Description Selection
--> O/S Hardware Description <ACPI>

进入 BIOS 界面

Radxa Orion O6
CIX P1 CD8180 1.80 GHz
0.2.2-1 65536 MB RAM

Select Language <English> This selection will
take you to the Boot
> Device Manager Manager
> Boot Manager
> Boot Maintenance Manager


^v=Move Highlight <Enter>=Select Entry

进入 Device Manager

| Device Manager |

Devices List Press <Enter> to view
> System Information current system
> Platform Configuration information.
> O/S Hardware Description Selection
> Secure Boot Configuration
> Network Device List

Press ESC to exit.

| |
| ^v=Move Highlight <Enter>=Select Entry Esc=Exit |

进入 O/S Hardware Description Selection

| O/S Hardware Description Selection |

O/S Hardware Description <Device Tree> Select the hardware
description that will
be exposed to the O/S.

| F9=Reset to Defaults F10=Save |
| ^v=Move Highlight <Enter>=Select Entry Esc=Exit |
Configuration changed

修改为 ACPI,并保存。

| O/S Hardware Description Selection |

O/S Hardware Description <ACPI> Select the hardware
description that will
be exposed to the O/S.

| |
| Save configuration changes? |
|Press 'Y' to confirm, 'N'/'ESC' to ignore.|
| |

| F9=Reset to Defaults F10=Save |
| ^v=Move Highlight <Enter>=Select Entry Esc=Exit |

改动后,需要重启 O6。可通过短按复位按键。

安装 ISO 镜像

O6 重启后,引导 O6 进入 BIOS 界面,然后选择设备 U盘启动。

键盘选择进入 Boot Manager 后,选择 U盘,UEFI aigo U330 EABF80131F85D705

| Boot Manager |

Device Path :
Boot Manager Menu VenHw(0D51905B-B77E-45
debian 0801D090000000000)/USB
UEFI Shell (0x1,0x0)
UEFI aigo U330 EABF80131F85D705
UEFI KINGBANK KP230 K19010J001612

Use the <^> and <v> keys to choose a boot option,
the <Enter> key to select a boot option, and the
<Esc> key to exit the Boot Manager Menu.

| |
| ^v=Move Highlight <Enter>=Select Entry Esc=Exit |

选择 Graphical install,然后按照提示安装系统。

GNU GRUB version 2.06-13+deb12u1

| Install |
|*Graphical install |
| Advanced options ... |
| Accessible dark contrast installer menu ... |
| Install with speech synthesis |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |

Use the ^ and v keys to select which entry is highlighted.
Press enter to boot the selected OS, `e' to edit the commands
before booting or `c' for a command-line.