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Quick Settings

Username and Password

User namePassword

Update System

Please refer to the System Update section to update the system.

Network Configuration

Ethernet Settings

When using a wired internet connection, please insert the Ethernet cable into the RJ45 port. A network connection icon will appear in the top right corner of the desktop. Select the network you want to connect to, and you will be online.


Wi-Fi Settings

If you need to use wireless internet, you will need a wireless module. Here is the Radxa ROCK 2A to connect to Wi-Fi:

  • Click the network connection icon in the top right corner of the desktop, select the Wi-Fi you want to connect to, and enter the password.



  • If the Wi-Fi connection is successful, the network manager will show that your Wi-Fi is connected. To disconnect from the Wi-Fi, click the box indicated by the arrow to cancel the Wi-Fi connection. rock2a/rock2a_wifi

Static IP Configuration

Networks typically use dynamic IP addresses to better manage IP address allocation. Dynamic IP addresses are automatically assigned through DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), which means each device is given a unique IP address when it connects to the network. This method makes network management easier and avoids the possibility of IP address conflicts between devices.

If you need to set a static IP address, you will need to manually assign a fixed IP address to the device.

As shown in the following steps:

Applications >> Settings >> Advanced Network Configuration >> IPv4 Settings >> select Manual >> Add >> enter address, netmask, gatewat >> Save


Regional Settings

Change System Language

**Note: **The system is set to English by default. If you need another language, please follow the instructions below.

  1. Open the command terminal and enter the following command:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
  1. Use the arrow keys to navigate and select the language you want. Press the spacebar to select it. After making your selection, press the Enter key to confirm.


  1. Next, the system will ask you to set the default language. Use the arrow keys to select and press the Enter key to confirm.


  1. Restart the system. The changes will take effect after the system restarts.
sudo reboot

Change Language Input Method

Debian systems come with only the English input method by default. If you need an input method for another language, you need to install it separately. Here, we will use the installation of Pinyin as an example

Environment Configuration

If your Debian environment is not in Chinese, you need to switch to the Chinese environment. You can switch using the following command, then enter the user password.

sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales

Press the spacebar or Enter to select OK and prepare for the next step of the installation.

rock2a_language_input_1 rock2a_language_input_2

Run the following commands to update and install the system environment software:

sudo apt update

Install the fcitx Chinese input method

  1. Open the command terminal and enter the following command:
sudo apt install fcitx  # Enter 'Y' to install the package.
  1. Execute the command to install the Chinese input method you need, then enter the user password.
sudo apt install fcitx-googlepinyin  # Enter 'Y' to install the package.

After the installation is successful, please restart the computer. A keyboard icon will appear in the taskbar.

Right-click the keyboard icon, then click Configure.


Click the '+' to add a new language input method.


Uncheck the box for 'only show current language'


Type Google Pinyin in the search box, click OK, and complete the addition of the new language input method.


Click the ^ to adjust the language priority, as shown in the figure.


Now you can start using Pinyin. To switch languages, simply press the shortcut keys Ctrl + Space.

Keyboard Layout

As shown in the following steps:

Applications >> Settings >> Keyboard


Click Layouts, then click Add to select the desired keyboard layout.


You can click the box indicated by the arrow to raise the priority, then click Close.


Remote Access


This is a tutorial on how to access the board remotely from another computer using SSH.

View username

Open a terminal on the board and enter the following command in the terminal to view the username

  radxa@rock-2a:~$ whoami

This command displays the username of the current user, as shown above, the current user's username is radxa

View IP address

View IP by command

Open a terminal on the board and enter the following command in the terminal to view the IP address:

  radxa@rock-2a:~$ ip a

The ip address on the same network segment as the host is the ip address we need for SSH connection, e.g. in the following output is the ip address we need.

1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 ::1/128 scope host
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen 1000
link/ether 56:ae:03:82:18:51 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute eth0
valid_lft 43176sec preferred_lft 43176sec
inet6 fe80::8e:d164:96ea:40b6/64 scope link noprefixroute
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
Finding IPs with Angryip

This method can be used to look up an ip address when you can't operate the motherboard directly to get an ip address without a screen or remotely.

  • First the host PC needs to download Angryip, then make sure the host PC and the board are on the same LAN.

  • Open Angryip, select the IP range from - (select the network segment where the host PC and the motherboard are located), click Start, as shown in the figure.

  • Angryip

  • Ctrl + F Look for the rock keyword to find the IP address of the board.

Checking SSH Service Status

Run the following command in a terminal:

  radxa@rock-2a:~$ sudo service ssh status

This command is used to view the status of the ssh service. If you run this command and are prompted with "Unit ssh.service could not be found.", then you need to install the SSH service.

  radxa@rock-2a:~$ sudo apt-get update
  radxa@rock-2a:~$ sudo apt-get install openssh-client openssh-server
● ssh.service - OpenBSD Secure Shell server
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/ssh.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Wed 2024-05-08 07:52:50 UTC; 24min ago
TriggeredBy: ● ssh.socket
Docs: man:sshd(8)
Process: 637 ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/sshd -t (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 657 (sshd)
Tasks: 1 (limit: 3420)
Memory: 5.5M
CPU: 398ms
CGroup: /system.slice/ssh.service
└─657 "sshd: /usr/sbin/sshd -D [listener] 0 of 10-100 startups"

May 08 07:52:49 radxa-zero systemd[1]: Starting ssh.service - OpenBSD Secure Shell server...
May 08 07:52:50 radxa-zero sshd[657]: Server listening on :: port 22.
May 08 07:52:50 radxa-zero systemd[1]: Started ssh.service - OpenBSD Secure Shell server.
May 08 07:53:22 radxa-zero sshd[783]: Accepted password for radxa from port 49474 ssh2
May 08 07:53:22 radxa-zero sshd[783]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user radxa(uid=1000) by (uid=0)
May 08 07:53:22 radxa-zero sshd[783]: pam_env(sshd:session): deprecated reading of user environment enabled
  • If the status of Active is active, the state of ssh is running.
  • If Active is inactive (dead), then ssh is stopped, i.e. the service is not running and needs to be restarted.

  radxa@rock-2a:~$ sudo service sshd restart

SSH connection to the board

ssh [username]@[IP address] # or ssh [username]@[hostname]


This is a tutorial on how to remotely access your system from a Windows computer using VNC.

Installing VNC Server

  1. Open the Terminal application and enter the following command to update the package list.

  radxa@rock-2a:~$ sudo apt-get update
  1. Install TigerVNC Server by entering the following command.

  radxa@rock-2a:~$ sudo apt-get install tigervnc-standalone-server
  1. Install the dbus-x11 dependency to ensure proper connection to your VNC server:

  radxa@rock-2a:~$ sudo apt-get install dbus-x11
  1. After installation to complete the initial configuration of your VNC server, use the vncserver command to set the security password and create the initial configuration file:

  radxa@rock-2a:~$ vncserver

Would you like to enter a view-only password (y/n)? n Prompt for view-only, would you like to select no and enter n so that you can operate remotely instead of just watching, depending on your situation?

Configuring the VNC Server

  1. Once TigerVNC starts, it will create a VNC session containing the IP address and port number (usually 5901) of the VNC server. To change the way the VNC server is configured, first stop the instance of the VNC server running on port 5901 with the following command:

  radxa@rock-2a:~$ vncserver -kill :1
  1. When you run the vncserver command, an xstartup is generated in the ~/.vnc directory. If it is not generated, please create it manually and give it executable permissions:

  radxa@rock-2a:~$ touch ~/.vnc/xstartup
  radxa@rock-2a:~$ chmod +x ~/.vnc/xstartup

Edit the xstartup configuration file as follows:

  radxa@rock-2a:~$ cat ~/.vnc/xstartup
  [ -x /etc/vnc/xstartup  ] && exec /etc/vnc/xstartup
  [ -r $HOME/.Xresources ] && xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
  xsetroot -solid grey
  #vncconfig -iconic &
  startkde &
  1. Once the configuration is edited, restart the VNC server:

  radxa@rock-2a:~$ vncserver -localhost no
  1. View the VNC server:

  radxa@rock-2a:~$ vncserver -list
  TigerVNC server sessions:
  :1         	5901      	2160      	Xtigervnc
  :2         	5902      	2872      	Xtigervnc
  1. Test the connection on the VNC viewer: On your Windows PC, open the VNC viewer, enter the IP address and port number of your product, and then authenticate with the VNC server's username and password.

Installing the VNC Viewer on a Windows PC

  1. Go to the VNC viewer download page on your web browser, e.g.
  2. Download and install the VNC viewer.

Connection Setup

  1. On the VNC viewer, enter the IP address and port number of the product. 2.
  2. Use the VNC server's user name and password to authenticate.
  3. After a successful connection, you can remote control.


Installing TeamViewer

  radxa@rock-2a:~$ wget
  radxa@rock-2a:~$ sudo apt install . /teamviewer-host_arm64.deb

configure TeamViewer

  radxa@rock-2a:~$ sudo teamviewer setup    # Agree to protocol login and authorization

uninstall xfce4-screensaver


This procedure fixes a problem with TeamViewer's keyboard and mouse controls not working due to prolonged hang time.

  radxa@rock-2a:~$ sudo apt remove xfce4-screensaver

Configuring virtual monitors


This step is optional if a real monitor is connected.

  radxa@rock-2a:~$ sudo apt update
  radxa@rock-2a:~$ sudo apt install xserver-xorg-video-dummy
  radxa@rock-2a:~$ sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-modesetting.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-modesetting.bak
  radxa@rock-2a:~$ sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-headless.conf
# Add the following and reboot
Section "Monitor"
Identifier "dummy_monitor"
HorizSync 28.0-80.0
VertRefresh 48.0-75.0
Modeline "1920x1080" 172.80 1920 2040 2248 2576 1080 1081 1084 1118

Section "Device"
Identifier "dummy_card"
VideoRam 256000
Driver "dummy"

Section "Screen"
Identifier "dummy_screen"
Device "dummy_card"
Monitor "dummy_monitor"
SubSection "Display"

Connecting to TeamViewer

You can refer to TeamViewer official documentation.


Please refer to our Radxa System section for more information on software configuration.