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USE Redroid

Introduction to Redroid

Redroid is an open-source project based on Android, which is one of several cloud phone solutions aimed at providing developers and users with a flexible Android environment. It can run on different platforms, including desktop operating systems, allowing users to experience the features and applications of the Android system.

Main features

  • Containerization: Redroid uses container technology (such as Docker) to run the Android system, allowing users to quickly set up and run the Android environment on their existing operating system.
  • Compatibility: Supports multiple Android applications and games, and users can install and run these applications in Redroid to enjoy the rich ecosystem of Android.
  • Efficiency: Redroid aims to provide a high-performance Android experience, optimize resource utilization, and run well on systems with lower hardware configurations.
  • Open source: Redroid is an open source project where users and developers can freely view, modify, and contribute code.
  • Easy to deploy: With tools such as Docker, users can quickly deploy and update Redroid environments, simplifying the setup process.

Source code download

mkdir ~/redroid && cd ~/redroid
repo init -u -b redroid-12.0.0 --depth=1 --git-lfs
repo sync -c
sudo apt install git-lfs
repo forall -g lfs -c git lfs pull

Docker download and image compilation

Redroid officially provides a Docker image for compilation in the form of a Dockerfile, which can avoid many compilation issues when compiling using this image

sudo apt install -y #install docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
sudo chmod a+rw /var/run/docker.sock

git clone
cd redroid-doc/android-builder-docker/
docker build --build-arg userid=$(id -u) --build-arg groupid=$(id -g) \
--build-arg username=$(id -un) -t redroid-builder . #Build Docker image for compilation

The configuration of the apt source is in the sources.list under the redroid doc/android-builder-doc/, which defaults to 163 sources and can be changed to other sources at your discretion

docker run -it --rm --hostname redroid-builder --name redroid-builder \
-v ~/redroid:/src --privileged redroid-builder #RUN docker image

#compilation redroid image
cd /src
. build/
lunch redroid_arm64-userdebug

#Packaging Redroid Images
cd out/target/product/redroid_arm64
sudo mount system.img system -o ro
sudo mount vendor.img vendor -o ro
sudo tar --xattrs -avcf redroid.tar.xz vendor -C system --exclude="./vendor" .
sudo umount system vendor

After packaging is complete, upload the redroid.tar.xz image from the out/target/product/redroid_arm64/ to SBC, import the image using the following command, and start it

#Import image
sudo xz -dcT0 redroid.tar.xz | docker import -c 'ENTRYPOINT ["/init", "androidboot.hardware=redroid"]' - redroid
#Start container
docker run -d -p 5555:5555 -v ~/redroid-build:/data --name redroid-build -v /dev/mali0:/dev/mali0 \
--privileged redroid \
androidboot.redroid_height=1920 \
androidboot.redroid_width=1080 \

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. After the container is started, an error message will be printed in a loop with 'init: critical process' lmkd 'exited 4 times before boot completion'
  • Solution: Add psi=1 to the Linux startup parameters
  1. Redroid cannot start after configuring GPU acceleration
  • Solution: Check if the GPU Mali driver is enabled on Linux. If it is not enabled, the GPU cannot be used normally

Reference Documents