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Samba is a popular SMB/CIFS tool for Linux. With Samba, you can share files with many different operating systems, including Windows and Android.

  1. Install samba
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install samba
  1. Editing the Samba Configuration File /etc/samba/smb.conf
sudo vim /etc/samba/smb.conf
  1. Add the following configuration to the end of the file
comment = Shared from my Radxa device
path = /media/samba
available = yes
valid users = radxa
public = yes
writable = yes
  1. Creating a shared folder
sudo mkdir /media/samba
sudo chmod 755 /media/samba
  1. Create Samba user and password
sudo smbpasswd -a radxa
  1. Restart the Samba service to load the updated configuration
sudo systemctl restart
  1. Execute systemctl status smbd to check the status of samba
radxa@radxa-zero3:~$ systemctl status smbd
● smbd.service - Samba SMB Daemon
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/smbd.service; enabled; vendor preset: >
Active: active (running) since Tue 2023-12-19 03:24:00 UTC; 14s ago
Docs: man:smbd(8)
Process: 1963 ExecStartPre=/usr/share/samba/update-apparmor-samba-profile (>
Main PID: 1964 (smbd)
Status: "smbd: ready to serve connections..."
Tasks: 4 (limit: 9191)
Memory: 6.5M
CPU: 564ms
CGroup: /system.slice/smbd.service
├─1964 /usr/sbin/smbd --foreground --no-process-group
├─1966 /usr/sbin/smbd --foreground --no-process-group
├─1967 /usr/sbin/smbd --foreground --no-process-group
└─1968 /usr/sbin/smbd --foreground --no-process-group