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Whisper-TPU is an application that uses the open-source Whisper model from OpenAI. It is ported to the SG2300X chip series products using the Sophon SDK, enabling hardware-accelerated inference on local TPU. This application can quickly convert speech to text (STT) and will integrate with ChatGLM2 in the future to understand and translate speech content. The application provides a user-friendly interface using Gradio.

  • Clone the repository and switch to the release branch:

    git clone -b release
  • Download the Whisper bmodel:

    cd whisper-TPU_py
    tar -xvf Whisper_bmodel.tar.gz
  • Move the downloaded Whisper bmodel to the whisper-TPU_py/bmodel directory:

    mv Whisper_bmodel/bmodel/ .

    The resulting file structure will be as follows:

    ├── chatglm-int8-1024
    └── whisper-TPU_py
    ├── Whisper_bmodel
    ├── bmodel
    ├── bmwhisper
    │ ├── assets
    │ ├── normalizers
    │ └── third_party
    │ └── untpu
    │ └── lib
    └── test
  • Set up a virtual environment:

    It is necessary to create a virtual environment to avoid potential interference with other applications. For virtual environment usage, please refer to this guide.

    cd whisper-TPU_py
    python3 -m virtualenv .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate
  • Install dependencies:

    pip3 install --upgrade pip
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
    python3 install
  • Run in CLI mode:

    export LOG_LEVEL=-1
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/sophon/libsophon-current/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    bmwhisper ./test/demo.wav --model base --bmodel_dir ./bmodel/ --chip_mode soc

    Explanation of parameters:

    • audio (required): Input audio file
    • --model: Select model [base, small, medium]
    • --bmodel_dir: Specify the bmodel directory
    • --chip_mode: Run platform mode [soc, pcie]
  • Run in Web mode:

    • Clone the Whisper-WebUI repository in the same directory as whisper-TPU_py:

      git clone

      The resulting file structure will be as follows:

      ├── Whisper-WebUI
      ├── chatglm-int8-1024
      └── whisper-TPU_py
      ├── Whisper_bmodel
      ├── bmodel
      ├── bmwhisper
      │ ├── assets
      │ ├── normalizers
      │ └── third_party
      │ └── untpu
      │ └── lib
      └── test
    • Install gradio in the virtual environment .venv in whisper-TPU_py:

      cd Whisper-WebUI
      pip3 install -r requirements.txt
    • Configure the path of the chatglm2 model to be used in the config.ini file. The default is chatglm2-int8-1024:

      libtpuchat_path = ../chatglm-int8-1024/
      bmodel_path = ../chatglm-int8-1024/w8a16_chatglm2-6b_1024.bmodel
      token_path = ../chatglm-int8-1024/tokenizer.model
    • Start the web service:

    • Access the 7860 port of the Airbox IP address in the browser.

Application Display


TPU bmodel init time: 2.6767737865448s

============================================== Start ===============================================
### audio_path: demo.wav
Detecting language using up to the first 30 seconds. Use `--language` to specify the language
Detected language: English

[00:00.000 --> 00:05.600] He hoped there would be stew for dinner, turnips and carrots and bruised potatoes and fat
[00:05.600 --> 00:10.200] mutton pieces to be ladled out in thick, peppered flour-fatten sauce.

Total tpu inference time: 1.0039873123168945s
Total cpu inference time: 2.4082088470458984s
Total time: 3.412196159362793s
----------------------------- Total time: 6.1094677448272705 seconds ------------------------------