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Model-Zoo Installation

Radxa Model-Zoo Introduction

Radxa Model-Zoo is developed based on the SOPHONSDK interface, providing a series of porting routines for mainstream algorithms. It includes model compilation and quantization based on TPU-MLIR, porting of inference engines based on BMRuntime, and porting of pre-processing and post-processing algorithms based on BMCV/OpenCV.

SOPHONSDK is a deep learning SDK customized by Sophon based on its independently developed deep learning processor. It covers capabilities such as model optimization and efficient runtime support required for the inference stage of neural networks, providing an easy-to-use and efficient full-stack solution for deep learning application development and deployment.

Radxa Model-Zoo provides examples categorized into three modules: tutorial, sample, and application. The tutorial module contains usage examples of basic interfaces, the sample module contains serial examples of classic algorithms on SOPHONSDK, and the application module contains typical applications in typical scenarios.


  • Clone the Radxa Model-Zoo repository on Airbox:
    git clone
  • Clone the Radxa Model-Zoo repository on an x86 workstation:
    git clone