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Kernel Develop

BSP is a set of tools provided by Radxa to quickly build U-Boot Kernel. It is very convenient to use bsp to build your own U-Boot and Kernel.
The following will show you how to use bsp to build the kernel of Radxa CM5 IO.

bsp Environment configuration

Build Kernel

After completing the bsp environment configuration, you need to compile the kernel first before pulling the kernel code from the warehouse.
You can execute ./bsp linux rockchip to build the kernel. The path to the kernel source code is located in the bsp directory. .src/linux

cd bsp
mkdir output
cd output
../bsp --no-prepare-source linux rockchip -r 1

Parameter Description:

# Compile using local modifications. If this parameter is not added, the latest code will be synchronized from the Radxa kernel warehouse and the local modifications will be overwritten.

-r 1

# Specify the kernel version number as 1

For more bsp parameter usage instructions, you can execute ./bsp to view.

After compilation is completed, many deb packages will be generated in the bsp/output directory. You only need to install the following two deb packages.


Copy the above two deb packages to the board and use the dpkg command to install them to complete the kernel installation.

sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-5.10.110-1-rockchip_5.10.110-1_arm64.deb
sudo dpkg -i linux-image-5.10.110-1-rockchip_5.10.110-1_arm64.deb
sudo reboot

After the restart is complete, you can use uname -a to check the currently started kernel version number to see whether the installation was successful.