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To use MicroPython, you leverage the embedded RP2040 SoC, which communicates with the main core over UART and has access to the GPIOs.


  • Download MicroPython for the Pi Pico,(at the time of writing) v1.22.0 is recommended as we tested.

  • Open the RP2040 as a USB device by using the method.

  • Install Thonny IDE

sudo apt-get install thonny -y
  • Open Thonny IDE and writing your MicroPython program, now we have successfully set up the MicroPython environment.
Flash Micro Python

Further Examples

Please see UART


As the RP2040 is acting as if it's a USB and UART attached Pi Pico, you can use it in nearly any way you would normally a Pi Pico, including software/firmware images such as CircuitPython and Arduino code.

If the RP2040 core crashes, you can pull GPIO 60 high for 1 second to reset the SoC:

sudo gpioset gpiochip1 60=1
sleep 1
sudo gpioset gpiochip1 60=0