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Penta SATA HAT top board

The Radxa Penta SATA HAT has a 2x5 seat with the following signal:


This seat can be used to link to the top plate, which has a 0.91 inch OLED display and a 4010 fan, which can display IP address and storage information, etc., and the fan is used for cooling.

SATA HAT top board

Software support​

In order to get the top panel OLED display and fan working properly, we provide the rockpi-penta package, which can be installed with the following command.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3-dev
sudo apt install -y ./rockpi-penta-v0.2.deb

Software configuration​

After installing the package, if you need to modify the configuration, you can edit the configuration file /etc/rockpi-penta.conf, the following is the default value of the configuration file.

# When the temperature is above lv0 (35'C), the fan at 25% power,
# and lv1 at 50% power, lv2 at 75% power, and lv3 at 100% power.
# When the temperature is below lv0, the fan is turned off.
# You can change these values if necessary.
lv0 = 35
lv1 = 40
lv2 = 45
lv3 = 50

# You can customize the function of the key, currently available functions are
# slider: oled display next page
# switch: fan turn on/off switch
# reboot, poweroff
# If you have any good suggestions for key functions,
# please add an issue on
click = slider
twice = switch
press = none

# twice: maximum time between double clicking (seconds)
# press: long press time (seconds)
twice = 0.7
press = 1.8

# Whether the oled auto display next page and the time interval (seconds)
auto = true
time = 10

# Whether rotate the text of oled 180 degrees, whether use Fahrenheit
rotate = false
f-temp = false

After modifying the configuration, run the sudo systemctl restart rockpi-penta.service command to restart the service for the configuration to take effect.